Next stop on the RunningSkirts whirlwind marathon tour....Seattle!
Here I am in front of the famous Space Needle as we hit the streets of seattle for our morning run. We took in the beautiful sights along the waterfront trail. The first morning in Seattle, we were blessed with a perfect bluebird sunny day and the views of the surrounding snow-covered mountains were breathtaking (unfortunately didn't have the camera in tow that day).
Christy stopping to smell the roses on the morning run through the rose garden on the waterfront.
Had a great fun chat with Meb and his brother Hawi at the expo- great guys. Check out the video clip below of Hawi claiming he was faster than Meb! Super excited about Meg's new book coming out soon - we are hoping to schedule a book signing at the RunningSkirts store. Maybe we can have him lead our fun run....ahahahaha - we'd be able to stay with him for 20 meters at best!
Seattle Rock n Roll expo was awesome. We got to meet a lot of our favorite running bloggers and long-time customers. People always ask us what the best thing is about starting the running skirts business. By far, meeting our customers and hearing their amazing stories of accomplishments in running, goals and overcoming the various challenges is our favorite way to spend Running Skirts time! "Working" expos is so much fun, we laugh that we really call it work at all!

Unfortunately we hadn't signed up in time for this race and were unable to get entries....booo! We'll be running for sure next year though - only hear awesome things about the Seattle race and course.
Here's what Meb & his brother had to say about who's the speedy one in the family:
Thanks Seattle for another great visit & rock 'n' roll event! See you next year!
Glad you enjoyed your stay in Seattle! You'll love running RnR next year, too. It was so great meeting you both at the expo! :)
SOOOO proud to have made the Blog, I loved meeting you both. And I wore my pink dot skirt the day after I bought it in the MARATHON and made page 22..
Sooooo I NEED a black dot, or plain black, or to tray any of the new skirts. Let me know if you would like a Tall Mom perspective..
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